Home Page - Archangel Clan

Archangel Clan

A Call Of Duty Clan
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Welcome to our newest members:

(ARC) Freddy and (ARC) Scopes
We are a close knit group of gaming friends that enjoy friendship,  camaraderie and gaming. We pride ourselves upon being a family oriented  gaming group open to anyone. Our servers are set up to reflect an extraordinary battle  experience. We modify our server to give you an immersive and  sophisticated experience.

The Archangel Clan started when a few close friends who  played together decided to develop their own servers. We encourage all  levels of player to join us in the games and beginners are most welcome.  Our members take great pride on their character and moral sensibilities.  Emphasis is placed on our clan being a family oriented environment.

What is an Archangel you may ask? An Archangel is an Angel  of high rank and are found in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism and  Christianity and reflect our founding members beliefs. Come visit our  servers soon...

Archangel Clan
 We now have over 500 maps in rotation, so maps are change very often   
Archangel Clan
Archangel Clan
Archangel Clan
Archangel Clan no longer uses TeamSpeak to talk in game. We now use Discord.
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